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AUTOSALON (Bulgaria)

Type of luminaire: SALUKA-LED-OP-10000-236-4K-1F, IP66

  • AUTOSALON-Bulharsko-A.jpg
  • AUTOSALON-Bulharsko-B.jpg
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Banská Bystrica - garage (Slovakia)

Type of luminaire: EUROPA-LED

  • mDSC_0191.jpg
  • mDSC_0197.jpg
  • mDSC_0206.jpg
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Wien - Subway (Austria)

Type of luminaire: AQUA-II

  • IMG_20170823_112450.jpg
  • IMG_20170823_112507.jpg
  • IMG_20170823_113029.jpg
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Sokol Ostředek (Czech Republic)

Type of luminaires: FALCON-SPORT-LED

  • IMG_0045.jpg
  • IMG_0046.jpg
  • IMG_0047.jpg
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Sports hall Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic)

Type of luminaires: GORDON

  • hala_pro_micove_sporty (1).jpg
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Mělník Square (Czech Republic)

Type of luminaires: AQUA-I

  • MELNIK (1).jpg
  • MELNIK (2).jpg
  • MELNIK (3).jpg
  • MELNIK (4).jpg
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Project plant Hempel in Ulianovsk (Russia)

Type of luminaire: EXCALIBUR-Ex 258-D / PITBUL-Ex 458-WOD

  • CHEMPEL-1.jpg
  • CHEMPEL-2.jpg
  • CHEMPEL-3.jpg
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Jánské Lázně (Czech Republic)

Type of luminaires: BETY

  • JL-1.JPG
  • JL-2.JPG
  • JL-3.JPG
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Railway station České Buějovice (Czech Reublic)

Type of luminaire: RAMBO

  • nadrazi-CB-1.jpg
  • nadrazi-CB-2.jpg
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Project Paint spray booth in Moscow (Russia)

Type of luminaires: VIPET-N

  • lakovna-1.jpg
  • lakovna-2.jpg
  • lakovna-3.jpg
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ANA Warehouse Camp Shaheen Electrical (Afganistan)

Type of luminaires: VIPET-N

  • Sklady-ANA-Camp-1.jpg
  • Sklady-ANA-Camp-2.jpg
  • Sklady-ANA-Camp-3.jpg
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Brewery Nová Paka (Czech republic)

Type of luminaires: VIPET-I

  • NOVA-PAKA.jpg
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DEXCEL pharmaceutical laboratories (Israel)

Type of luminaire: HOUND-454-PC Cover-IP65-Door System

  • IMG-20151029-WA0007.jpg
  • IMG-20151029-WA0008.jpg
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Pöttinger Vodňany (Czech Republic)

Type of luminaire: AQUA-LED

  • pottinger_vodnany (1).jpg
  • pottinger_vodnany (2).jpg
  • pottinger_vodnany (3).jpg
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Type of luminaire: AQUA-II

  • 20170227_100903.jpg
  • 20170227_101025.jpg
  • 20170227_101050.jpg
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Procter & Gamble co. , Dammam (Saudi Arabia)


  • IMG-20190425-WA0002.jpg
  • IMG-20190425-WA0005.jpg
  • IMG-20190425-WA0006.jpg
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Metro in Budapest (Hungary)


  • m3-felujitott-megallok-20190330-csudai-sandor-0005
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Makro (Peru)

Type of luminaire: EUROPA-LED

  • ref-PERU.png
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Bombardier (Singapore)

Type of luminaire:PITBUL-N-LED-29000-458-4K, IP65

  • IMG-20201224-WA0002.jpg
  • IMG-20201224-WA0003.jpg
  • IMG-20201224-WA0004.jpg
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TAR UBAG project (Switzerland)

Type of luminaire: EXTRA-N-LED

  • EXTRA2.jpg
  • EXTRA4.jpg
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Warehouse Dundalk Co Louth (Ireland)

Type of luminaire: RUSSEL-LED

  • IMG-20210618-WA0009.jpg
  • IMG-20210618-WA0010.jpg
  • IMG-20210618-WA0011.jpg
  • IMG-20210618-WA0012.jpg
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Footbridge in Planá (Czech Republic)

Type of luminaire: AQUA-40-LED

  • lávka v Plané.jpg

Monkey House at Bristol Zoo (UK)
Type of luminaires: BOXER


Project Paint spray booth (Northern Ireland)
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-EX-258-D


Library in Hradec Kralove - Centre of Lifelong Learning
Type of luminaires: AQUA-I


Project Hilton hotel Krasnodar (Russia)
Type of luminaires: AQUA-40-LED


Sybrandy project, painting room – Amersfoort (Netherlands)
Type of luminaires: FILA-I / PITBUL-I


Alphen swimming pool project (Netherlands)
Type of luminaires: AQUA-I


Appartment buildings project in Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Type of luminaires: RAMBO-LED


VOPAK project - tank storage and handling of liquid chemicals, gasses and oil products in Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Type of luminaires: VIPET-N


Underground parking area (Netherlands)
Type of luminaires: VIPET-I


Halliburton project in USA
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-EX / MULTIPITBUL-EX


Tanjung Langsat oil terminal (Malaysia)
Type of luminaires: VIPET-N-236-EP-IP66


Turku University Hospital (Finland)
Type of luminaires: BOXER-228-EP-DIM-CORNER-IP54


Tunnel Lasnamäe  (Tallinn - Estonia)
Type of luminaires: BOXER-239-IP54 / RAMBO-139-IP67 / MULTIRAMBO-139-IP67


Stocks in Berlin (Germany)
Type of luminaires: SALUKA-SMD1500-LED, IP66

Prison Baustelle JVA  Düsseldorf in Ratingen (Germany)
Type of luminaires: BOXER-139/BOXER-180/BOXER-154/BOXER-128/BOXER-224/BOXER-254

Type of luminaires: EXTREME-249/EXTREME-149/EXTREME-280/EXTREME-180

Project Loo-Maardu (Estonia)
OÜ Luminaris Holding
Type of luminaires: HORNET-150/100S


Surface treatment operation of railway freight vehicles and tanks for company URALVAGONZAVOD Nižnij Tagil (Russia)
Type of luminaires: FILA-218/236/258/458-IP65, MULTIFILA-218/458, FILA-N-258/358/236/458, MULTIFILA-N-236/258/358/458, PITBUL-G-336/436,  MULTIPITBUL-G-336


Project Periyachts, Antalya - ship´s garages (Turkey)
AKSEM Makina Maden Muh. Ltd.

Type of luminaires: AQUA-N-121-IP67


VW Bratislava – expansion of painting area
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-N-3AR - 3x58W
                 MASTIF 1x58W



LUKOIL petrol station in Istanbul (Turkey) - AKSEM Makina Maden Muh. Ltd.
Type of luminaires: K-3-N-400H


Chemical industry DOR ECOLOGIC (Haifa – Israel)
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-N-258-EP


Project for pharmaceutical industry ORION (Finland)
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-EX-258-WOD / PITBUL-EX-236-WOD



Hospital Bezirkskrankenhaus Bayreuth (Germany)
Type of luminaires: RAMBO-124-EP, IP42


Teaching hospital Motol (Czech Republic, Prague)
Type of luminaires: VERTIGO 2x14W / BARBET 3x14W / GRIFON 3x14W / HOUND 3x55W / VS 1x28W / VIPET 2x58/1x36/1x18/2x36W / BANDOG 1x18/1x26W  


Engine house in Ukraine (Poltava)
Type of luminaires: VIPET-N-258-EP 


Port of Sillamäe in Estonia
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-N-ENDURA-150W


Mobile hall for reparation of helicopters
Type of luminaires : GOLIÁŠ-T60

InterGen Coryton Power Station – STL INTERNATIONAL (UK)
Type of luminaires: PITBUL-N-ENDURA-150W


Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech, s.r.o. (Nošovice, CZ) – BAEG SAN TECH (Korea)
Type of luminaires: FILA-N-I-EP 4x36W / PITBUL-N-I-EP 2x36W / VIPET-II-PC-WR-EP 2x36W



 Tiszalök (Hunghary), Prison  - lighting of cells.
Type of luminaires: RAMBO IP42, VIPET-I IP66

Budapest (Hungary), Student´s hostel  Kármán Tódor – lighting of rooms.
Type of luminaires: FOX 2x36W(1x36W) IP40, BIGL 1x11W IP43


Oil MIll Wolgast project in Germany  - TECLITE GmbH.
Type of luminaires: 96 pcs. - PITBUL-I-ENDURA 150W / 30 pcs. - PITBUL-N-ENDURA 150W


 AGIP petrol station in Kottingbrunn  (Austria) - LICHTAGENT
 Type of luminaires: BALOT2-418-BAP-EP-D


 School in Vienna(Austria) - LICHTAGENT
Type of luminaires: Grifon-T5-D/I-235/254-BAP

school__vienna1m.jpg school__vienna2m.jpg

Coal mill in cement plants Deva and Bicaz (Romania) - ELECTROGLOBA
Type of luminaires: VIPET - N, 1x58W / 2x58W

rumunsko1m.jpg rumunsko2m.jpg

Housing application (Netherlands) – ETK
Type of luminaires: AQUA 1x35W


University hospital (Asterdam - Netherlands) – ETK
Type of luminaires: HORNET - P

fakultni_nemocnice.jpg fakultni_nemocnice2.jpg

Pedestrian bridge (Netherlands) – ETK
Type of luminaires: AQUA 1x14W

Warehouseplant with cacaopowder and grain (Netherlands) – ETK
Type of luminaires: K-3-N-400H-SYM

skladiste1.jpg skladiste2.jpg

AJAX stadium – public lighting (Amsterdam- Netherlands) – ETK
Type of luminaires: AQUA 1x21W / 1x35W

ajax1.jpg ajax2.jpg

Budapest (Hungary), tram-station lighting on the way of great circle route "Nagykörúti".
Type of luminaires: AQUA-I 1x14W,(1x24W), IP67
Budapest (Hungary), reconstruction of underground route  "METRÓ2"  –  lighting of tunnels.
Type of luminaires: VIPET-I IP66
Budapest (Hungarz), lighting of subways 
Type of luminaires: BOXER 2x24W, 2x54W, 4x14W, IP54


Petrochemical plant reconstruction (Belorussia) – AVILUKS

Alcohol industry  KRISTALL PT RUP (Minsk-Belorussia) – AVILUKS

Pharmaceutical industry  FARMTECHNOLOGIA OOO (Belorussia) – AVILUKS

Dairy works SAVUSHKIN-PRODUKT (Belorussia) – AVILUKS

Alpinism equipment production (painting shop) ALKOMP (Belorussia) – AVILUKS

Type of luminaires: VIPET - N  2x36 W, 2x58W

Metal plant SANA-SERVIS OAO  (Belorussia) – AVILUKS
Type of luminaires: K-3-N-400S-SYM


Petrol stations  AZS INDUSTRIA CP OOO  (Belorussia) – AVILUKS
Type of luminaires: AQUA - N 1x54W


Shopping centre Cepkov, Zlín
Type of luminaires: HORNET 250H


TYCO Electronics, Trutnov
Type of luminaires: PITBUL - stainless steel
ionization chamber

Type of luminaires: AQUA 1x24 a MULTIAQUA



Prison Nyíregyháza (Hungary)
– general reconstruction of lighting in cells and other rooms 
– RAMBO 2xE27, IP42  

Prison Békéscsaba (Hungary)
RAMBO 2xE27, IP42 /  RAMBO 1x8 W, IP42
Prison Žilina (Slovakia)
RAMBO 1x39W 8W / RAMBO 1x54W 8W, IP42

Prison Dubnica nad Vahom (Slovakia)

RAMBO 1x36W/L, IP42

Prison Ružomberok (Slovakia)
reconstruction of lighting in cells  - RAMBO 1x36W/L, IP42 

Detention prison Leopoldov (Slovakia)
reconstruction of lighting in cells  - RAMBO 1x39W 8W
Prison Wroclaw (Poland)
RAMBO 1x80W, IP42

Police department Szczecinek (Poland)
RAMBO 1x39W 8W / RAMBO 1x54W, IP42

Police department Riga (Latvia)
RAMBO 1x54W, IP42

Police department Dandenong South (Australia)
RAMBO 1x21W 8W / RAMBO 1x8W / RAMBO 1x54W / RAMBO 1x39W

Police department Rodovre (Denmark)
RAMBO 1x28W / RAMBO 1x18W, IP42

Police department Bodegraven (Netherlands)

RAMBO 1x80W / RAMBO 1x54W / RAMBO 1x8W, IP42

Police department Budenheim (Germany)
RAMBO 1x39W 8W, IP42 / RAMBO 1x36W/L, IP67


Sreet lighting tender in Tartu (Estonia)
HORNET 250S/150S/100S

Street lighting tender in Kohtla Jarve (Estonia)
HORNET 150S/100S

Shoping center project  in Riga (Latvia)
HORNET 250S/250R/150S/100S

Street lighting project in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)


Street lighting project in Vrable (Slovakia)

Street lighting project in Namestovo (Slovakia)



Alcohol industry projects in Kharkov / Zaporozhje  / Ivano-Frankovsk (Ukraine) -  VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Car undustry project (ŠKODA) in Ukraine
PITBUL-EX (Zone 1)

Gas stations in Ukraine

regular deliveries
VIPET-N (Zone 2) 

Gas stations project in Belorussia 
VIPET-N (Zone 2 ),  AQUA-N (Zone 2)

Chemical plant project in Netherlands

floodlights K3-N (Zone 2)  

Chemical industry in Netherlands

regular deliveries
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Chemical plant project in Sweden

VIPET-N  (Zone 2)

Chemical plant projects in Israel

Oil industry in Bulgaria  (oil and chemical production stocks, painting areas )
VIPET-N  (Zone 2)

Oil production working area in Bulgaria
floodlights K2-N (Zone2) 

Gas stations / painting areas for furniture industry  in Bulgaria

regular deliveries - VIPET-N (Zone 2) 

Painting areas in Poland (wood producer )
PITBUL-EX (Zone 1) 

Car industry CITROEN (Painting area project)  in Poland
FILA-N (Zone 2)

Gas stations and chemical industry  in Poland
regular deliveries
VIPET-N / PITBUL-N (Zone 2) 

Chemical  industry plant  project in Poland
floodlights K2-N (Zone2) 

Gas stations in Latvia - regular deliveries

VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Painting area project in Austria

FILA-N (Zone 2) 

Painting area project in France (furniture plant)


Gas stations in Estonia - regular deliveries
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Chemical industry project in Norway 
PIBUL-N (Zone 2)

Gas stations in Lithuania - regular deliveries
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Chemical industry project in Lithuania
PITBUL-EX (Zone 1)

Gas stations and oil industry in Russia


Furniture industry project  in Russia (Vjazma)
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Car industry project in Russia (Vjazma)
VIPET-N (Zone 2 )/ PITBUL-EX (Zone 1)

Oil industry project in Russia (Stavropol)
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Chemical plant project (laboratories equipment) in Russia (Moscow)

(Zone 2)

Oxygen plant project in Russia (Balashicha)
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Gas stations and chemical industry in Spain regular deliveries
VIPET-N (Zone 2)

Car industry (painting areas) in Spain
PITBUL-EX (Zone 1)  

Petrochemical industry in U.A.E.
regular deliveries

LUKOIL gas stations project in Romania
VIPET-N  (Zone2)

Gas stations and chemical industry in Romania - regular deliveries
VIPET-N (Zone 2) 

Chemical plant project in Romania 
floodlights K2-N (Zone2)

Petrochemical industry project in Taiwan (Kaohsiung)

VIPET-N  (Zone2)

Car industry project for South Korea
painting areas ( KIA MOTORS) in Žilina (Slovakia)
PITBUL-N (Zone 2)

Petrochemical industry project in Jordan (Aman)


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